Delivering smarter operations for telecoms systems

There is no doubt that avoiding downtime is critical in the telecommunications sector. For this reason, planning out and keeping track of maintenance tasks that reduce the prospect of outages is very important. This helps operators to have a fast, accurate view of telecoms maintenance which helps boost efficiency levels.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 telecoms accelerator can assist with this - but what is this product exactly and how can it help?

What Is Dynamics 365 Telecommunications Accelerator?

In simple terms, this product enables telecoms providers to plan, track and document scheduled maintenance tasks on their network. By using this platform, operators can seamlessly plan in maintenance jobs which help to improve their network efficiency. It can also help telecoms providers to introduce new network features to their customers in a quicker, smoother way.

So what features does Dynamics 365 Telecoms Accelerator offer?

Extended Data Model And Sample Apps

The old version of the telecommunications accelerator delivered sales functionality and place management for network operators. As a result, they could:

  •  Tie services/products to physical locations via geocoding
  • Access greater lead management features and lookup network maps/resources
  • Enjoy a telecoms extension relating to the Common Data Model, which brought fast app development capabilities

Version 2.0 of this package goes further than the above to add more to the extended data model and also bring in sample apps. This enables operators to set out numerous plans and types - all with sample compliance, warranty and contractual data supplied.

The latest version of Dynamics 365 telecommunications accelerator also means operators can pin down resources on a network, such as switches or antennas. There is also the ability to define service areas and network zones, before tracking where they're deployed.

Plan In Repeatable Tasks And Plans For Maintenance

Version 2.0 of the telecoms accelerator also means network operators can plan in repeatable maintenance jobs without any hassle. This allows them to not only streamline their operations but also enables them to respond to audit questions, through tracking these maintenance tasks.

Dynamics 365 Telecommunications Accelerator

A powerful package for any network provider or operator, the new version of the telecoms accelerator has even more to offer.

Fully customisable out of the box with Dynamics 365, it makes planning and tracking maintenance on a telecoms network much easier.

For more information on Telecommunications Accelerator or other Dynamics 365 solutions:

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