ERP Solutions in a modern office space

Transform Your Business With Akita’s ERP Solutions

Discover Microsoft ERP solutions that drive growth and improve processes

Leading ERP Solutions Provider

Akita focus on delivering Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions that optimise processes and enhance efficiency.

ERP systems bring all areas of an organisation under one roof in a comprehensive information system that can be accessed by individuals across the organisation. By centralising data, ERP solutions enhance decision-making, improve data accuracy, and promote better productivity.

The impact of ERP systems on operational efficiency is widespread. Systems like Business Central streamline business processes, reduce the need for manual data entry, and eliminate redundancies, thereby increasing operational efficiency and reducing costs. ERP solutions also scale as your organisation grows, ensuring upkeep with increasing complexity of your operations.

As a leading provider of ERP solutions in London and throughout the UK, we empower organisations to harness the full potential of their ERP setups.

Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, get in touch with one of our specialists to discuss your requirements:

Discuss ERP Solutions

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Why Choose ERP Solutions From Akita?

Akita is an international digital transformation partner, working with leading brands across industries to optimise their processes and improve their operations. With over 25 years of experience providing digital success solutions, we design, develop and support Microsoft ERP solutions that enhance efficiency for organisations of all sizes.

Our ERP solutions are not only customisable but also highly scalable. This makes them ideal for businesses of all sizes, including small enterprises looking to expand. For small organisations, our ERP solutions provide the perfect starting point to grow alongside your success. Start with the core functionalities you need most and gradually add modules as your requirements and operation complexity evolve. This approach ensures you aren’t paying for unnecessary features, while still preparing for future needs.

ERP Solution providers

For larger organisations, our ERP solutions provide an advanced framework of capabilities for complex operations across multiple locations and departments. Microsoft ERP solutions are designed to meet the scalability and customisation needs of large enterprises, facilitating enhanced data integration, real-time insights, and streamlined processes across all levels of the organisation.

With the help of Akita’s ERP specialists, organisations can get robust ERP functionalities that support extensive customisation, integration capabilities, and advanced analytics to drive optimal performance and strategic growth in competitive markets.

Office using ERP solutions

Understanding The Value of ERP For Your Business

Microsoft ERP solutions are transformative tools for any organisation seeking to unify its operations in a single, integrated system. By consolidating various functions such as finance, HR, manufacturing, supply chain management, and more, ERP solutions enable organisations to streamline processes and improve data visibility across departments.

ERP systems enhance operational efficiency by automating routine tasks and simplifying complex processes. This not only speeds up workflow but also frees up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives that can drive business growth.

With integrated data from various departments, ERP systems offer improved decision-making capabilities. Managers and executives can access real-time data that provides insights into all aspects of the organisation, allowing for informed decisions that are based on the latest information.

Microsoft ERP solutions can also lead to significant cost reductions. By improving operational efficiency and reducing the likelihood of errors through automation, organisations can lower their operational costs. Inventory costs can also be managed more effectively with better data on stock levels and supply chain movements, helping to reduce excess inventory and associated costs.

Akita’s ERP Solution Features

Akita offers a comprehensive suite of ERP features designed to cater to various core business functions. These features include:

Each feature offered in our ERP solutions is designed to be highly customisable, allowing us to tailor the system to meet specific needs. Whether you require enhanced functionality in one area or a balanced enhancement across various departments, we can configure your ERP solution to align with your unique processes and goals. This flexibility ensures that as your business grows and evolves, your ERP system can adapt, providing continued support and efficiency improvements.

ERP Solutions For Small Businesses

ERP systems are no longer the reserve of large organisations, with Microsoft’s ERP solutions both affordable and effective for meeting the challenges of small businesses.

Akita offers ERP solutions tailored to address common issues such as resourcing by automating and simplifying key business processes like accounting, inventory management, and customer relations. This automation not only reduces labour-intensive tasks but also minimises costly errors.

employees working together on a laptop

Understanding the budget considerations of small businesses, we provide affordable, scalable ERP solutions. These systems allow businesses to start with essential functionalities and expand as their needs and budgets grow. Our flexible pricing ensures a high return on investment, making it feasible for small businesses to adopt advanced technology.

Our implementation process is designed to minimise disruption. We support organisations throughout the deployment process, from initial configuration to training and ongoing support. This in turn ensures a smooth transition and effective operation right from the start.

Our approach allows small businesses to benefit from sophisticated systems that support both immediate operational needs and future growth, all within their budgetary constraints.

Business Central Implementation For An International Fashion Brand
Microsoft ERP Solution Provider UK

Case Study:

Read about how we implemented a Microsoft ERP solution for an international fashion brand:

Our Implementation Process

Our ERP implementations follow a structured and supportive approach, designed to ensure seamless integration and little operational disruption.

Initial Consultancy:

A detailed consultation to understand your business needs, challenges, and goals. This helps us tailor the ERP solution to align precisely with your requirements.

System Customisation And Configuration:

Based on the insights gathered during the consultation, we customise and configure your ERP setup to fit your specific needs and processes.

Data Migration:

We assist in migrating your existing data to the new ERP system. Our team ensures that data integrity is maintained throughout the migration process, with minimal disruption to your ongoing operations.

Training And Testing:

Before going live, we provide comprehensive training to relevant staff to ensure they’re comfortable using the new system. This phase also includes thorough testing to resolve any issues and ensure the system operates smoothly.

Go-Live Support:

When your ERP system is ready to go live, our team is on hand to provide support, ensuring a smooth transition. We help manage any immediate technical issues and ensure seamless integration.


After implementation, we continue to offer support and guidance. Our partnership approach means we are committed to your long-term success, so we can provide ongoing maintenance, updates, and support.

Getting Started With Your ERP Solution

Contact one of our experts today for a personalised consultation, focused on understanding your specific needs and outlining the first steps towards implementing your solution:

FAQ About ERP Solutions

How does an ERP system help small businesses manage growth?

For small businesses, managing growth effectively is crucial. Akita provides scalable solutions that grow alongside your success. New functionalities can be easily added as your organisation expands, helping you manage increased operations without the need to invest in a completely new system.

What are the signs that my organisation needs an ERP system?

Signs that your organisation might need an ERP system include difficulties in managing data across different platforms, inefficiencies in process management, challenges in scaling operations, and significant time spent on manual tasks. An ERP system can address these issues by integrating all core business functions in one platform, streamlining processes, and enhancing data visibility.

Can an ERP system improve customer service?

Yes, an ERP system can significantly improve customer service. By integrating customer information across all touchpoints, ERP systems provide a unified view of customer interactions, enabling better service delivery. This integration helps ensure that customer needs are met more efficiently and that any issues are resolved quicker, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

What should I consider when choosing an ERP system?

When choosing an ERP system, consider factors such as the specific needs of your organisation, the scalability of the solution, the ease of use, the quality of customer support provided by the vendor, and the total cost of ownership, including initial setup and ongoing maintenance fees. It's also crucial to choose a system that can integrate smoothly with your existing software and hardware.

What are the costs involved with implementing an ERP system?

The cost of ERP implementation can vary depending on the complexity of the system and the specific needs of your organisation. Akita offers scalable solutions that allow you to start with the essentials and add features as your requirements grow, helping manage costs without sacrificing functionality.

How long does it take to implement an ERP system?

The timeline for ERP implementation varies based on the scale and scope of the project. Typically, small business implementations are quicker due to fewer complexities and can be completed in as little as a couple months, with larger projects extending to a year plus.

Can I integrate existing software with an ERP system?

Yes, Akita’s ERP solutions are designed to be compatible with a variety of software applications. We can integrate your existing tools to ensure seamless functionality across your business operations.

Akita consultants working on a project

Partner With Akita For Your ERP Needs

To discuss an ERP project with one of our experts, please get in touch via the channels below:

Call: 0330 135 8042


London: Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HN

Kent: Unit 15 Nepicar Park, London Road, Wrotham, Kent, TN15 7AF

Leeds: 2 Wellington Place, Leeds LS1 4AP

Or alternatively, visit our contact us page to drop a message to the team:

ERP Solutions in a modern office space
Microsoft ERP Solution Provider UK

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