Automating Administration With Business Management Apps
Digital transformation is based on working more efficiently using technology. Our business management apps are an easy step towards organisations achieving that.
Based on common business administration tasks and requirements, our Power Apps have been designed to take time-consuming tasks and make them much easier to complete digitally. And rather than a person having to chase tasks up, Power Apps can be configured to chase staff automatically with emails and notifications.
By tackling administrative tasks in this way, our business management apps free up the time of key staff members (such as accounts teams or office managers) who are then freed up from chasing replies, receipts or mileage information.
Deployed across the width of an organisation, these Power Apps can generate significant working efficiencies. In some cases, our Power Apps have boosted productivity in key members of staff by as much as 50%.

Tailored To Your Needs
Our business process apps can be used as standalone solutions or embedded into your organisation’s Microsoft Teams or SharePoint setups.
All apps can be branded and customised to your corporate colours to reflect your identity.
And should you have requirements or ideas for further app developments, we’ll be happy to develop Power Apps in line with your requirements.
View our business management Power Apps solutions below:
Policy Management System
Keep on top of policies, procedures, product documents and files requiring regular review.
Order files into relevant categories (H&S reports, EVAC assessments, HR policies reviews etc.) with dates for review, those responsible, what standards files relate to (ISO, BSI, GDPR etc.), and whether a file is due or overdue review.
As review dates approach or inspections are scheduled, owners are automatically prompted by email and notification to reappraise files.
And prompts will only stop once files have been reviewed and signed off appropriately!

Credit Card Receipts Power App
A popular business management app, our solution simplifies the submission of business credit card receipts .
Through this Power Apps solution, receipt details can quickly be entered along with a photograph or picture attachment of a physical receipt.
Details are then logged against users’ accounts, making it easier for finance and accounts staff to manage individuals claims.
Automated email alerts can also be set up with this Power Apps solution to ensure that users submit receipts on time for accounts deadlines.

Overtime Submission Form
Simplify overtime submissions for additional salary payments.
Staff can add reasons for overtime, start and end times and their department, along with who has approved overtime. Overtime can be verified either by a manager or by referencing data from a sign-in system or Power App prior to payment.

Expenses Management Form
Place the onus back on staff to manage and complete expenses correctly and on time. Have users submit claims including scans or photos of required receipts.
Then, with data stored in SharePoint or Excel, manage all staff expense requests from one place and at time that suits you – rather than multiple random requests.
Notification emails can also be set up to let staff know if their expense claim has been rejected with a reason why.

Mileage Submission Form
An easy way for staff on the road to submit their mileage allowance on the go. Add details of journeys and their business purposes with automatic calculation of mileage due. Managers can then approve expenses and accounts departments easily process all payments at once.
To discuss our business management apps, please get in touch: