Sales teams using CRM solution to improve customer engagement

Enhance Customer Engagement With Akita’s CRM Solutions

Discover CRM solutions that improve efficiency and optimise processes

Professional CRM Solutions To Enhance Operations

As a leading digital transformation partner, Akita specialises in delivering bespoke Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions that enhance client interactions and drive business growth.

Our Microsoft CRM solutions are market-leading in their capabilities and ability to scale. They support the centralisation of customer data from multiple touchpoints, providing a unified view that enhances customer service and supports sales management.

By integrating data sources, CRM systems improve the accuracy of customer information, streamline communication, and facilitate better marketing strategies.

Microsoft CRM systems enable organisations to maintain crucial customer insights, support personalised marketing, and increase customer engagement. Effective CRM systems reduce redundancies and automate tasks, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

As a leading provider of CRM solutions in London and across the UK, Akita empowers organisations to harness the full potential of their CRM systems.

Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise organisation, connect with us to explore how our tailored solutions can transform your processes:

Discover CRM Solutions

Start a conversation with one of our CRM experts today and discover the right solution for you:

Why Your Organisation Needs A CRM Solution

Implementing a CRM solution can improve operational performance and support the growth of your organisation.

Microsoft CRM systems enable organisations to enhance interactions with customers, drive sales, and amplify marketing efforts through detailed data analysis.

Business partners shaking hands
Improved Customer Relationships:

One of the primary advantages of a CRM system is its ability to deepen your relationships with customers. By systematically capturing and analysing customer interactions and feedback, CRM solutions help users personalise their interactions and improve their overall customer service, leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.

sales reporting
Increased Sales:

Microsoft CRM solutions streamline and automate sales processes, reduce the sales cycle, and help manage leads more efficiently. By providing detailed insights into customer preferences and behaviours, CRM tools empower sales teams to target their efforts more effectively and provide customers with what they want, quicker, commonly seeing a 15% increase in efficiency.

Reviewing data on visualised report
Enhanced Data Analysis:

With robust analytics features, CRM solutions provide valuable insights into market trends, customer behaviours, and sales performance. This data is crucial for making informed business decisions, optimising marketing strategies, and identifying new opportunities.

Small business owner
Benefits For Organisations Of All Sizes:

While large enterprises have long recognised the benefits of CRM systems, small businesses also stand to gain significantly. For small businesses, a CRM system can level the playing field, offering the tools to compete against larger players. These systems help small businesses manage customer data efficiently, improve customer interactions, and optimise marketing campaigns without the need for extensive resources.

Akita CRM consultants working together

Akita’s Approach To CRM Solutions

Akita is a long-term digital transformation partner, working with leading brands and organisations internationally to help enhance their efficiency and optimise their operations.

With over 25 years of experience providing digital success solutions, we design, develop and support Microsoft CRM solutions for organisations across industries.

Our approach is centred around personalisation, ensuring that every CRM system we deploy is optimised to enhance customer interactions and maximise operational efficiency.

We’re experts in delivering CRM solutions that fit a variety of deployment preferences, including both cloud-based systems and on-premise setups. Our cloud-based CRM offerings provide flexibility, ease of access, and cost-effectiveness, making them ideal for organisations looking to benefit from the scalability and remote accessibility of cloud technology. On the other hand, our on-premise CRM solutions cater to organisations looking for more granular control over their data and infrastructure.

Comprehensive CRM System Solutions By Akita

Akita offers a range of advanced CRM solutions designed to enhance customer relationships and streamline business operations. Our CRM deployments can include a range of powerful features and capabilities such as:

Contact Management: At the core of Microsoft CRM solutions are robust contact management capabilities for organising customer data into centralised databases. This feature allows organisations to track every customer interaction, providing a comprehensive view of customer behaviour and preferences to enhance personalisation and service delivery.

Sales Automation: Our CRM solutions streamline the entire sales process, from lead generation to closing deals. Automation tools help sales teams manage pipelines more effectively, reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, and focus on creating and capitalising on opportunities.

discover CRM solutions from Akita

Customer Service: We equip organisations with tools to improve their customer service. This includes ticketing systems, customer feedback loops, and support case management, all integrated into the CRM to provide seamless service experiences. This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also helps retain business.

Marketing Integration: Microsoft CRM solutions enable targeted campaign management, email marketing automation, and lead tracking. This integration ensures that marketing efforts are aligned with sales activities and customer data insights, leading to more effective marketing strategies.

Cloud-based CRM Solutions

Cloud-Based CRM Solutions For Agile Organisations

Cloud-based CRM solutions are essential for agile organisations, delivering flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. These systems allow remote teams to access customer data from anywhere, ensuring up-to-date information is always at hand. This accessibility helps maintain consistent customer service and supports a mobile workforce effectively.

Additionally, opting for a cloud-based system significantly cuts down on IT costs by reducing the need for upfront hardware investments and ongoing maintenance expenses. Our CRM solutions enhance real-time data access and allow for quicker, insight driven decision-making to help organisations stay competitive in fast-paced markets.

Colleagues in small business

Tailored CRM Solutions For Small Businesses

Small businesses face unique challenges in customer relationship management, including limited resources, the need for rapid scalability, and a requirement for cost-effective solutions that deliver high ROI.

Akita’s CRM solutions address these challenges by providing flexible, scalable, and affordable systems that don’t compromise on functionality.

Our CRM solutions can also be customised to help small businesses streamline their customer interactions, automate essential sales and marketing tasks, and provide deep insights into customer behaviours and trends. This enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty by enabling more personalised and timely interactions.

Red car interior
CRM System Solutions

Case Study

Read about how we implemented a Microsoft Sales CRM solution and integrated an ERP system for a global manufacturer of vehicle safety equipment:

Implementing Your CRM Solution With Akita

Our CRM implementations follow a streamlined and collaborative process that minimises disruption to your operations while maximising the effectiveness of the new system.

Our process runs as follows:

Initial Consultancy And Planning:

We begin by using an in depth consultation to understand your business requirements, goals, and the challenges you face. This stage ensures our integration aligns with your business objectives and caters to your needs.

System Customisation And Setup:

Based on the insights gained during the initial consultation, we tailor the solution to fit your specific requirements. This includes setting up features such as contact management, sales automation, and marketing integration, all tailored to your unique processes.

Data Migration:

We assist in securely transferring your existing customer data into the new CRM system. Our team ensures that the migration is smooth, and that data integrity is maintained, minimising the risk of data loss or errors.

Training And Onboarding:

Training is critical to the successful deployment of any CRM system. We provide comprehensive training sessions for your relevant team members to ensure they’re comfortable with using the new system. This includes hands-on training and access to support materials to help your team make the most of the CRM features.

Testing And Adjustment:

Before going live, we conduct thorough testing of the CRM system to identify and fix any issues. This stage ensures the system works seamlessly with your existing processes and that any necessary adjustments are made.

Go-Live And Ongoing Support:

Once testing is complete and the system is fully ready, we proceed to the go-live phase. Akita provides hypercare support to handle any post-deployment issues and to ensure the CRM solution continues to function optimally as your organisation and its requirements evolve.

Getting Started With Your CRM Solution

Get in touch with one of our Microsoft CRM consultants today for a personalised consultation to understand your requirements and outline the first steps of our process:

Continuous Support And Evolution At Akita

Microsoft CRM solutions evolve as your organisation does to continually cater to your requirements. To this end, we offer comprehensive ongoing support, maintenance, and upgrade services to ensure that your CRM system meets both current business needs and future technological advancements.

CRM specialist working on computer

Ongoing Support And Maintenance: Akita offers CRM system support to address any requirement that you may have. This includes technical support, troubleshooting, and regular health checks to ensure optimal performance.

System Upgrades: Technology and business environments are constantly evolving, and so should your CRM system. With Akita supporting your setup, you can receive regular updates to your system to proactively ensure compatibility with evolving technologies.

Continuous Improvement: To help you continually refine and improve your CRM strategies, Akita utilises advanced analytics and feedback mechanisms. By analysing data and metrics generated from your CRM activities, we identify trends and insights that can inform strategic decisions.

CRM System Solutions From Akita FAQs

What are the differences between cloud-based CRM solutions and on-premise CRM systems?

Cloud-based CRM solutions are hosted on the vendor's servers and accessed via the internet, offering scalability, lower upfront costs, and the ability to access systems from anywhere. On-premise CRM systems are installed locally on your organisation’s hardware and servers, providing more control over data and security but requiring more significant initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs.

How does Akita ensure data security in its CRM solutions?

Akita employs advanced security measures to protect data. For cloud-based solutions, we use encrypted transmissions and secure data centres. For on-premise installations, we implement robust security protocols within your infrastructure. Both approaches safeguard your information against unauthorised access and breaches.

Can Akita's CRM solutions integrate with my existing business systems?

Yes, our CRM solutions are built to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of business systems, including ERP, accounting software, e-commerce platforms, and more. This integration capability allows for a unified approach to managing business operations, ensuring data consistency, and improving workflow efficiency.

How quickly can Akita deploy a CRM system?

The deployment time for a CRM system varies depending on the complexity and customisation required. Generally, a standard cloud-based CRM can be set up within a few weeks, while more customised or on-premise solutions may take several months to deploy fully. We work closely with our customers to establish a timeline that meets their needs and ensures a smooth transition.

Is there a mobile version of the CRM available?

Yes, Microsoft offers mobile CRM capabilities, allowing your sales and customer service teams to access the system from any mobile device. This feature ensures your team can remain productive and responsive while on the go, providing real-time access to customer data and critical business information.

Can a CRM handle multiple languages and currencies?

Yes, our CRM solutions are designed to support businesses operating in global markets. They can handle multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for businesses to manage international customers and operations efficiently.

Akita salesman

Transform Your Customer Relationships With Akita

To discuss a CRM project with one of our specialists, please get in touch:

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CRM System Solutions

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